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Announcing the Launch of the "Makeup & Muscle" Program!

Professional speakers James Lloyd and Michelle Yozzo Drake have combined forces to deliver a power-packed keynote presentation that punches through the gender barriers and reveals the inside scoop on male and female perspectives in the workplace.

The "Makeup & Muscle" program is a hilarious and insightful presentation that delves into the male and female perspectives on the topics of leadership, communication, sales, customer service, presentation skills and more! According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 60% of the workforce - mostly white males - is eligible for retirement in 2008, and of the people entering the workforce at least 75% is slated to be women and minorities! Understanding how men and women communicate is CRITICAL to the success of every organization!

Enter James "Makeup" Lloyd and Michelle "Muscle" Drake. No, that's not a typo. Surprisingly, James represents the female point-of-view and Michelle the male perspective in a program that is as entertaining and exciting as it is educational!

James Lloyd is a motivational speaker who, for the past 25 years, has captivated and inspired audiences on five different continents. He magically engages listeners with his genuine down-home approach: a unique blend of timely humor, insightful knowledge, contagious enthusiasm, and personal sharing. He is the author of Torch Tips for a Luminous Life and I'm on Fire, Watch Me Burn: Secrets to Captivating Presentations. For more information on James, visit www.9screens.com .

Michelle Yozzo Drake has over twenty years of experience as a professional speaker and executive coach. As CEO of The Cove Group, Inc., she specializes in programs designed to motivate, educate and entertain. Drake hosts a weekly radio show "Workplace Wisdom" on WXCT Talk Radio 990 AM and is the author of the upcoming From the Kitchen to the Corner Office. Her clients include Fortune 100 companies such as Pfizer and Siemens as well as Sun Life Financial, Foxwoods Resort Casino and General Electric - Electric Insurance.

For more information on "Makeup & Muscle" contact RaeLynn Milley at raelynn@9screens.com today.


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“Courage is being scared to death – but saddling up anyway.” – John Wayne