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“Book Yourself Solid” creator Michael Port to appear on “The Time is NOW! Business Solutions with Michelle Y. Drake”

As a subscriber to the “Book Yourself Solid” program, Michelle Y. Drake knows firsthand how valuable author and small business coach Michael Port’s expertise is in growing your small business. His creation and co-creation of several products designed to help small businesses thrive - including the “Book Yourself Solid” line of audio programs, live seminars and book; the “Think Big Revolution” online membership club to over 5000 entrepreneurs; the “Product Factory” the Internet’s #1 Information Product Creation Course; and “Traffic School” the ultimate web traffic and conversion system - has brought him and his clients the success they’ve worked so hard for.

Ms. Drake speaks with Mr. Port about his new book and much more during the May 4th broadcast of “The Time is NOW! Business Solutions with Michelle Y. Drake” - be sure to tune in or download the audio via FREE membership to www.michelleydrake.com!



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