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Coaching Video Series - Projecting Your Style

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Smart Women, Smart Style

Featuring Michelle Yozzo Drake

You're an intelligent, independent, strong woman...but is your style projecting that? Michelle Yozzo Drake explains that image is a vital part of the "Big Communication Picture" - and it can even help you advance your career.

Smart Women, Smart Style

Style is part of the big communication picture. To project yourself as a smart woman, you need to have smart style. Believe it or not, style may even be the deciding factor when you go up for a promotion or are given the opportunity to work on a brand new project.

It's assumed that all the people you're going up against are going to be in relatively the same league when it comes to intelligence and experience. So who will the boss chose?

Will he or she choose the person who looks tired all the time? If a person chooses the wrong colors, colors that don't complement their complexion and hair and eye colors, they're going to look drawn, stressed, washed out - and maybe even incapable of handling the demands of this new project or job.

Or will the boss choose the person who looks fresh, rested and ready all the time? By choosing the right colors to bring out your rosy glow and make your hair and eyes pop with color, you're going to look like not only can you handle anything, you're looking forward to the challenge!

Colors can influence the perception of a person's energy level and even their approachability factor. So if you want to be seen as a go-getter who is all for cooperation and teamwork, be sure to choose the right colors for your wardrobe to project your most professional image.

For more FREE tips on advancing your career and navigating the workplace, sign up for my FREE e-zine "Lipstick Leadership" at LipstickLeadership.com today! And check out the products I've developed to guide you toward the success you deserve!

"Spirit has fifty times the strength and staying-power of brawn and muscle.” – Mark Twain